About This Site
This site was at first intend as just memorial/Cause site for cancer
and then I added ADD/ADHD
and I am updating it now and haveing ALL
causes I support on here.
Thanks For Visiting and come again.

This site is in memory of My Father inlaw who past away from cancer almost 2yrs   ago and to my Mother inlaw who now has cancer.

It is so hard to watch the people you love  go through such a horrible thing like  cancer.
The cancer my father inlaw had is hereditary that means somewhere down the line my husband or my son may get this,it is a horrible thought to live with day by day.

I was born with  Ovarian Tumors that caused me to lose to babys I was unaware of the tumors until 1992 they had thought i was pregnant again but an ultra sound showed the tumors One was very large & was removed , I was told the chances of having a child was not likely. But Thanks To God & many Prayers 8 months later I became pregnant  for the third time, I almost lost that baby to but  with alot of Prayer & being bed riden for 5 months I had a Healthy, Happy Wonderful Son .
For women wanting to have Children it is so important to have regular check ups. You can never think it won't happen to me.

 Now My mother  inlaw has Cancer  Multiple Myloma and is going through  treatment and  at the moment is doing well ,she  just had to have another pin put in her leg because  the type of cancer she has destroys your bones  she had a pin put in her arm last year and it all went  well so hopefully this will be ok to , but you just never know  so it is just a live life to the fullest day by day and alot of praying.
For women wanting to have Children it is so important to have regular check ups. You can never think it won't happen to me .

This site is new and i dont have alot of information yet But I will be researching and adding soon. Im am going to find as many links as I can on  _Support Groups , Treatment ,ect... But for now this is all i have  Thank you
 for visiting & Please come again as I will be updating as much as possible

.C@2200 22001 AngelsWatchingOver