An Angel to Gaurd and Guide
At the twinkling of conception,
she takes her place at your side.
Her watch is the length of your lifetime,
her duty, to guard and guide.
In the flow of soft, perfect days,
she's a kiss of wind on your cheek.
In the ripples of blessed happiness,
she's the echo of joy at its peak.
In the darkness of desperate nights,
when you suffer and feel all alone,
her despair is heard in the wailing winds
as a long and mournful moan.
When you laugh, she laughs as well.
When you cry, she's crying too.
Until the moment of your last breath,
she's forever and always with you.

© 2001 Terri McPherson
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

I was Granted Permission
by Terri McPherson to use this wonderful Poem
Thank you so very much Terri


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